Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Strawbridge Methodist Church

Strawbridge Methodist Church is located at 1630 Park Ave. Baltimore 21217
A picturesque building in one of Baltimore’s fashionable neighborhoods  Sadly it could not attract enough  neighbors to be supportive parishioners. It recently closed as a symptom of too many Methodist churches in too small of a geographic area.   It houses an intact and unaltered   Hook & Hastings ,opus 1336. Installed in 1887 as a new instrument. It features an unusual open pipe arrangement with a detached console.    

      Great                                        Swell                                     Pedal
 8 Open Diapason                     8 Viola                                   16 Bourdon
 8 Melodia                                  8 Stopped Bass                      Sw/P
 8 Dulciana                                 8 Stopped Dia. Treble            Gt/P
 4 Octave                                    4 Flute Harmonique
 2 Fifteenth                                 8 Oboe (tc)
 Sw/Gt                                         8 Basoon bass

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